What Makes Viruses Tick
I worked with Glasgow’s Centre for Virus Research on a series of illustrations inspired by personal stories submitted to their ‘What Makes Viruses Tick’ project.
Alt text: A red dog in the shape of a horseshoe magnet with ticks flying out of the grass towards them, captioned “A magnet for ticks”
Alt text: A person with closed eyes and a messy bun lies in a bed with a floral bedspread. Surrounding them are speech bubbles:
I woke up and noticed a bullseye rash on my leg - illustrated with a leg with a rash and a red shoe
I was referred immediately to an infectious diseases specialist - illustrations of the Lyme bacteria
The doctor refused to believe me - doctor with cross speech bubble with a patient and sad thought bubble
Not all Lyme cases have a rash - two brown hands held out
I am concerned it will become chronic - person with short hair looking down
It was stressful not having doctors who understood and are aware - a maze with a red dot labelled ‘you are here’
Alt text: A scene with a garden in the foreground, a field in the midground and a forest in the background. The garden has a person hanging washing including a t-shirt with a tick illustration, a dog, a cat and a guinea pig, along with a ferret hidden in the grass. The field has a horse looking over the fence to the garden and two sheep. The forest has 2 deer. All the animals including the person have little hidden ticks somewhere on them.