I worked with the Bat Conservation Trust on a series of illustrations for their Nightwatch project to engage people with night time wildlife. One of the highlights of this project was drawing inspiration from the people and places of my own neighbourhood.
Alt text: A nighttime street scene with a house next to a small block of flats. Many of the windows of both buildings have people looking out in to the night. Above the house there are two bats and an owl flying. In the foreground, a fox sits under a streetlight with moths above, there is a hedgehog in the foreground as well as a hedgehod and mouse scurrying through bushes in front of the flats.
Alt text: The foreground of the image has two adults and two children in a flower-filled green space. One adult is dark skinned with dark hair in a bun and is holding a plant pot, the other is light skinned with curly grey hair and holds a trowel and bag of soil. The two children, one dark skinned with short spiky hair and the other light skinned with longer blond hair are playing by a pond. Behind all of this is a large tree and a block of flats with lots of window boxes and houseplants. Some people can be seen through the windows.
Alt text: A night time party scene - there are bats flying ahead wearing party hats and lots of people below with bunting. One of group of adults are chatting around a cake with a bat topper. Two other groups of adults and children stand around with drinks, chatting. Some of the children are carrying bat themed toys. There are also moths around the people.