Visualising Dementia Research
A colouring page collection
These colouring pages and researcher profiles were created as part of a project funded by Alzheimer’s Research UK. The pages are each inspired by the work of a dementia researcher.
For these pages, I spoke to each researcher about their work, their hopes and their motivations and tried to distil what they said into a single colouring page . It was challenging, inspiring and also surprising. The interviews were all conducted in late 2019 and early 2020.
I went into this project expecting most of the pages would be dominated by images of medicine and neuroscience and I was worried they might all be a bit too similar. Instead the ten pages are as different as the researchers and their approaches to their work.
The pages are all (c) Hana Ayoob, 2021. They are all available under a CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 UK License. You can download, copy, print and share the resource as long as you give me credit, do not modify them in any way and do not use them commercially.
Download the 10 individual pages or a booklet containing all of them here.
A massive thank you to all the researchers involved for taking the time to chat to me.
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